Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Small Distraction last week I was on a roll making the double sided copper pendants....

Me being me....I wanted some new images to put inside the pendants so I spent a few days painting some new small paintings!  I still have a few more I'm working on but here are the first three.

Now that they are done, I will go back to the pendants and finish the tutorial for you guys!


Also, someone just sent me a couple of pictures of Bailey playing at the festival last weekend.  Thanks, Karen!  Here they are:

Friday, October 21, 2011


Hi!  Sorry I fell off the earth for a while!  The show last weekend was much larger than I expected so I have been playing catch up all week, rebuilding inventory and filling orders.

I recorded several of Bailey's songs.....she was great!  I'm bugging her to get them edited and ready for posting.  Hopefully next week.

I have worked all day today on some cool double sided copper pendants.  I'm thinking of doing a quick tutorial.  Is anyone interested?  If so, I will do it in the next few days.  Let me know.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

New Painting

Here is the painting I referred to in my last post.  I titled it "Get A Long Little Doggie" for obvious reasons!!